All the controls for the modular operation theatre are provided on a membrane type, micro controller based electronic control panel mounted in the theatre wall. Control panel meet the electrical safety codes for high and low voltage systems. The control panel is user friendly and case of operating and maintenance purpose. The fascia is made with superior quality UV resistance membrane with sterilization feature. The control panel may consist 6 tiles or 9 tiles. We can develop the product as per requirement of customer. These tiles as below. 1Time of Days Clock 1Elapsed Time Clock 1Temperature Display/Control 1Humidity Display/Control Lighting Control/ Dimming 1Medical Gas Alarm Systems 1Hands Free Telephone 1HEPA Filter Status Indicator 1OT Pressure Indicator 1Music Control All high voltage equipment will be installed in a separate enclosure can be positioned up to 250 meter away, allowing maintenance to be carried out with minimum disturbance. The remote cabinet consists of operating lamp transformers, remote relay card, electrical distribution equipment and circuit protection equipment for all circuits within the operating theatre.